
We analysed data for 12 environmental factors and for 5 - 100 traits.
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Summaries per environmental factor
Knowledge graph per environmental factor
Summaries per trait
Comparing trait responses for different environmental factors

For each environmental factor separately, traits are characterised by 3 numbers:
  • Plasticity Index (PI). This is the ratio of the highest fitted value across the response curve divided by the lowest, with a minus sign if the overall trend is negative.

  • Consistency Index (CI). This is the % of compiled experiments in which the treatment with the highest level in a given experiment had a higher phenotypic value than the treatment with the lowest level. 0% and 100% therefore indicate highly consistent responses, whereas 50% indicates low consistency in the literature data, with with increases and decreases in the trait occurring with equal frequency

  • Reliability Index (RI). This value is based on the nmber of data points, the number of species studies, the extent to which the full range of the dose-response curve is covered, and the variability around the dose-response curve. The RI indicates how stable the presented dose-response curves are when additional data were to be added. Values range from 0-9

  • For each trait we additionally provide:
  • A graphical display. In this graph, average response curves are shown, the course of the median value for a number of subregions of each environmental factor (bold brown lines), the interquartile range (25th-75th percentile; shaded area), and the 10th and 90th percentile of the distribution of all observations within a subsection of the curve (black broken lines).

  • A table with the parameters of the dose-response curves. Indicated are the form of the dose-response curve, (lin: a straight line; sat: a saturating response of the form Y = a*(1-b*exp(-cX)); opt: an optimum curve; none: no relationship at all), the number of data (mean values per species per experiment per level of the environmental factor applied) and a pseudo r2 of the fitted line. All response curves are obtained by median fitting.